Norfolk Day Four of Five Day Tour – 15th October
With the belated news the previous day of a Red-flanked Bluetail being found at Holme-next-the-sea, we were sent back heading to a previous day’s destination. On arrival it was apparent that we would need patience, the Bluetail had been seen just once in two hours.
We decided to head off and do some birding in the dunes, there was good numbers of Skylarks, several Reed Bunting, numerous Meadow Pipits, several Rock Pipit, 2 Stonechat, several small groups of Linnets plus a group of 10 Grey Partridge but we couldn’t find any Lapland Buntings. As we walked back I got a message saying the Bluetail had been showing again, so we quickly headed back!
We didn’t have to wait too long, the Red-flanked Bluetail suddenly appeared giving great views perching in front of a very appreciative crowd of birders!

We watched the Bluetail on and off for a good while as it appeared and reappeared.
Having thoroughly enjoyed the great views of the Bluetail we had a nice relaxed lunch and then headed into the dunes to see if we could find anything else. We were lucky to catch up with a another Pallas’s Warbler that was showing around the NWT Car park, we timed it just right as it showed on the edge of the sycamores, it had apparently avoided the eyes of many visiting birders all morning!
A quick look along the shoreline produced lots of shorebirds, Bar & Black-tailed Godwit, Knot, Redshank, Dunlin, Grey Plover, Curlew, plus a group of 30 Sanderling an addition to the tour list! There was also c1000 Common Scoter out on the sea, plus several flocks of Wigeon & small numbers of Teal passed by.
The dunes were produced more thrushes, plus 1-2 Blackcap. We had great views of a tame and presumed freshly arrived Brambling as well, as it perched along the path. Plus a group of 4 Crossbills flew in and landed at the top of the pines.

Out on the grazing marsh there was a nice flock of 300 Golden Plover and just as we were leaving a huge cloud of c2500 Pink-footed Geese appeared just over the ridge, a great end to a wonderful diverse day of migration and rare birds!