25th August 2020 – Day Two of three Day exclusive Guiding Tour
As the weather forecast looked pretty grim with heavy rain, we decided to start around lunchtime and go through till the evening. By midday the rain was easing, just leaving the gusting wind to deal with!
We headed to North Point and had a nice couple of hours, with a good selection of waders, 4 Ringed Plover, 2 Little Ringed Plover, 2 Bar-tailed Godwit, 200 Black-tailed Godwit, 18 Ruff, 5 Dunlin and a juvenile Wood Sandpiper. Also Great White Egret along the rear edge. We had excellent views of a male Marsh harrier which we watched food pass to a juvenile.

We had a late afternoon snack and tea at Titchwell and then used the hide and various vantage points. We were well protected from the wind and the sun came out! We enjoyed a lovely afternoon & early evening’s birding!
Patsy’s pool held nothing really special but Tufted Duck, Pochard, Gadwall & Little Grebe were added to our list, and a Marsh Harrier was hunting close by.
We headed round to the First Hide, where there was a really nice selction of birds, 40 Shoveler, Gadwall, 50 Teal, 200 Avocet, 40 Lapwing, 35 Ringed Plover giving stunning close views right up to the hide with 42 Dunlin loosely mixing with them, 20 Black-tailed Godwit, 42 Ruff, Common Sandpiper & Redshank. Later on a group of 4 Spoonbills dropped in and gave nice scope views, busy feeding.

Overhead there was plenty of Sand Martin, a few House Martins and Swallows and also 2 late Swifts.
As the light dropped a good pre-roost of gulls arrived, 1000+ Black-headed Gulls with at least 25 Mediterranean Gulls mixed amongst them. Plenty of Lesser black-backs, a few Great black-backed and Herring Gulls.
On the way home just before the light was fading we added a nice pair of Grey Partridge, that conveniently stood along the edge of a lane!